Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Last Blog Post

I used to think websites were a piece of cake until I was introduced to GoLive. I never heard of this program before, the only web-building software I have worked with was Dreamweaver (I think I mentioned this before.) I knew the basics of HTML and some little tricks before taking this course. I used to make websitesfor fun when I had nothing to do in the summer (junior high years). I did learn a lot from GoLive though and I am glad I got to work with such a program. Although it was a struggle, I believe I ended up with a good piece of work in the end.

A lot of people don't want me to take down the website, I honestly don't know what to do with it after school ends. I may put it on a free webhosting site, I don't know if I'll have time to keep it up to date though. I mainly wanted it for amusement/to do something fun for this class. The ways I would perfect it would be 1. adding more images 2. making it more interactive (possibly some message boards, or comment boxes) 3. I would learn more about GoLive so I could make the website look more professional and lastly, I would like to learn more tricks with the program...not just dealing with HTML.

I enjoyed this course as much as I thought I would, even if it was frustrating at times. Also, let's face, is sitting in class for two hours isn't really my cup of tea, but I feel like I've gained more knowledge of the web that will help me later on in the future. I'm still learning about aesthetics, we all know I'm not an artist, but I think I've gotten better at it throughout my years here and taking Professor Katz's classes.