Wednesday, April 12, 2006


My first thoughts:

I didn't even start this blog yet and even before I clicked on "New Post" I saw when I signed into Blogger it said "Make Money, Sign Up for Adsense".

I honestly don't believe in making money through things like Adsense. I think it happens with some people, but others struggle because they just don't have "it" in them. My parents went to a lecture about making money through an e-business and they all seem like scams to me.

The Adsense dilemma:

Think about it, if it's so "easy" why isn't everyone rich? There is more to it than buying videos and trying to learn from them. Most videos are to make other people rich. I've been listening/viewing this Adsense video link Professor Katz sent around to everyone and it reminds me of every other "do it yourself" or "how to get rich" lecture. Adsense is becoming a competition for who can get the most clicks, this just shows how greedy people are. It's not even about content anymore, it's about money. I think the more people that use it, the less chance someone has at getting rich, it's like everyone winning the lottery at once.

True content providers are more likely to make money because they are actually providing something for people to benefit from. The profiteers aren't as likely to make as much because no one wants to read crap and walk away learning nothing. I think people should research on what content is truly there to inform and the other content that is just there for a profit. Information seekers need to be aware of these things. I think this is AdSense's biggest flaw.

Am I more or less likely to click on the links provided and am I more wary? I'm not likely to even pay attention to things I don't think are legit. Just like Gandhi said in the CBS News article, I ignore them and think of them as a marketing gimmick most of the time. I'm very wary of people profiting and providing me with nothing and trying to gain from it. I won't be "duped" by something, the sources have to be credible.

Final thoughts:

Ads on web pages are ANNOYING and take away from the quality and look of the page (unless you can choose what ads you want). I prefer a clean look without banners and ads flashing and changing.


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