Wednesday, April 04, 2007

GoLive Forums

I spent a really long time going through most of the GoLive forums on the Adobe website. As I was browsing through the forums I was learning a lot about particular subjects such as trying to make blogs or forums in GoLive. I have a blog for my website so I wanted to see if there was any way to make it more formal. I actually like the blog format that I have on my page though. There was also a question about MP3's playing automatically on pages. I plan on putting .wav files in the "Quotes" section of my website, I haven't even begun tackling that obstacle yet, but the forum suggestions help me even before I begin doing it.

The set up of my website is pretty simple, but I know I will have some issues once I get into the more difficult things of what I want to do. The website is due in only a few weeks, I know I need to get these major things out of the way so I don't run into any big problems at the last minute.


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