Saturday, February 17, 2007

Using GoLive CS2

As I said on the forum post, GoLive is so much harder than I thought it would be. It's easy when my hand is being held during the GoLive training DVD, but trying to remember and learning it on my own is like being a fish out of water. I'm all over the place with this software. It's going to be a lot of work, but I have so many ideas for this Anti-Bush website, I would love to see all of them come to life.

My boyfriend actually gave me this flipbook image of George Bush turning into a clown that he made in ImageReady which I'm going to use as the main image on my website before people enter the homepage. I wanted the image to be there and then have a link saying "Click to enter" or something to that nature. Anyway, I also came up with a name for my website which is "Cutting Down Bush", it seems appropriate and I like the play on words.

I don't know Photoshop or Illustrator that well, I guess that's a disadvantage of not being an artist. I know people who are proficient in those programs though so they can help me out with whatever I need.

Progress is slow and challenging, but I hope to whip out a decent homepage before Spring Break.


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