Monday, February 12, 2007


I'm new to Gliffy. I never heard of that website before taking this class. I thought it was very easy to use, it slightly reminded me of Microsoft Word/Paint. Not so much to make maps, but it was a familiar type of interface.

If some other assignment comes about where I have to make a floor plan or map of any other sort, instead of using Paint, I'll use Gliffy. It gives a lot more options and room to move around.

The only complaint I have about Gliffy is it doesn't give a big space to work with and is boxed in. Maybe it's just me or I didn't see where to expand it, but when I started adding more branches to my site map I wanted to view the document as a whole and I couldn't do that.


Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for the mention and description of Gliffy. We are very appreciative. You can now easily change the document size in the page properties section to the right of the stage. If you have any other suggestions and/or feedback please drop us a line at our newly revamped website! Thanks,
debik at gliffy dot com

6:38 AM  

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