Saturday, April 14, 2007

Competitive websites

There are many Anti-Bush websites around. It's hard to filter out which ones are the best. I found two that were pretty good.

The first one is:

This website is pretty hilarious in terms of content. It definitely gives mine a run for its money. The similar things to mine is it has a blog, sounds waves and music. Not only is it about George W., but the blog part discusses other political news. I DO like the various flash content of the website, including the videos. I DON'T like the layout of the page, it looks really tacky. I think the blog should be a separate link, not on the main page. Plus, there is so much going on along the sidelines that it's distraction. It's like a regurgitation of Bush content. It could use some more aesthetic organization. In the meta tag source code all it says is "Content-Type" and "content=text/html". So I'm guessing it doesn't have any keywords. When I typed in the search for Google, I searched for "Anti-Bush" so any text on the page that was against Bush showed up without the help of meta tags.

The second competitor website:

The layout of this website is also very poor. The red buttons on the navigation bar clash with the other colors on the page and it's a little hard to focus on. The thing I like about the website is it provides links to other pages such as The Cost of War site and It also includes humor, which is what my website does not provide. But similar to mine and the first competitor website, it offers music. In the meta tag source it states the description for content " combines humor with well written articles and cool products specifically targeted at defeating Bush on Nov. 2, 2004". Under keywords it says "George Bush resume, topplebush, topple bush, bumper stickers, bumperstickers, t-shirts, tee shirts, liberal, progressive, bush bashing, 2004 presidential election, Dubya, Bush articles, cartoons, jokes, pho
tos." I used one of the keywords which was "liberal".

I think layout-wise, my website overrules both of these competitor sites.


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