Tuesday, February 27, 2007

My Home Page Update

As I said before it's a struggle with GoLive, but I'm happy to say that I have my main "enter the site" page ready with the flipbook image of George Bush. The only thing I'm really getting frustrated about is that when I link 'Enter Cutting Down Bush' and then I preview it and click on it, it doesn't open in the 'mainpage.html' document that I created, which is the website I linked it to. It actually opens up into another 'index.html' document. So, I don't know how to fix that. I still have many links and pages to go. It's SO frustrating. Also, I put a background image on my Cutting Down Bush Home page. I'm also having trouble with frames. I wanted them on my Main Page, but it said something about certain document types not being compatible.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Using GoLive CS2

As I said on the forum post, GoLive is so much harder than I thought it would be. It's easy when my hand is being held during the GoLive training DVD, but trying to remember and learning it on my own is like being a fish out of water. I'm all over the place with this software. It's going to be a lot of work, but I have so many ideas for this Anti-Bush website, I would love to see all of them come to life.

My boyfriend actually gave me this flipbook image of George Bush turning into a clown that he made in ImageReady which I'm going to use as the main image on my website before people enter the homepage. I wanted the image to be there and then have a link saying "Click to enter" or something to that nature. Anyway, I also came up with a name for my website which is "Cutting Down Bush", it seems appropriate and I like the play on words.

I don't know Photoshop or Illustrator that well, I guess that's a disadvantage of not being an artist. I know people who are proficient in those programs though so they can help me out with whatever I need.

Progress is slow and challenging, but I hope to whip out a decent homepage before Spring Break.

Monday, February 12, 2007


I'm new to Gliffy. I never heard of that website before taking this class. I thought it was very easy to use, it slightly reminded me of Microsoft Word/Paint. Not so much to make maps, but it was a familiar type of interface.

If some other assignment comes about where I have to make a floor plan or map of any other sort, instead of using Paint, I'll use Gliffy. It gives a lot more options and room to move around.

The only complaint I have about Gliffy is it doesn't give a big space to work with and is boxed in. Maybe it's just me or I didn't see where to expand it, but when I started adding more branches to my site map I wanted to view the document as a whole and I couldn't do that.